Wes Patterson grew up most of his life believing that who he was, was not okay because he was gay. Years of condemnation, both subtly and blatantly, preached at him, led him to believe he couldn’t share his truth with anyone and that he had to do whatever he could to become straight. His story and beautiful message are not shared to attack the Christian faith, but rather as a reminder that we are all here for a purpose, exactly as we are. Wes's story will challenge us all to do better loving ourselves and others unconditionally and without judgement.
This story was originally created in partnership with a nonprofit that advocated for the LGBTQ+ community specifically in religious spaces. That's important to note because this story was originally created for a Christian audience in hopes of reaching the hearts of those struggling to reconcile their faith with affirming the LGBTQ+ community. UNCOVERED has no religious agenda and will share stories from people of all beliefs, perspectives, and faiths.